
Dear Congregant,

Please see below for the links to fill out in order to sell your hames through Rabbi Raymond Harari.

There are 2 forms to choose from depending on where you will be spending the holiday. Please read carefully to ensure you are filling out the correct form.

The first should be filled out by those who will be in NY or anywhere that has a time zone EARLIER than NY for the holiday.

The second should be filled out by those who will be in LATER time zones compared to NY (i.e. Israel or Europe).

Forms will be disabled at 11:59pm on Saturday, April 20th.

Of course, should you have any questions about this transaction (or anything Pesah related) please don't hesitate to reach out to our rabbis as they will be glad to help.

Rabbi Raymond Harari (917) 767-1578 or

Rabbi Avi Harari (718) 614-9752 or

Tizku Leshanim Rabot!